tuscan style tomato sauce

Tuscan-Style Tomato Sauce

Different areas of Italy include different ingredients to the tomato sauce they make. In northern Italy, where the area of Tuscany is located, they include a mixture of vegetables to add extra flavour to their tomato sauce. This mixture is called a soffritto.

Yield: 4-6 servings
Preparation Time: 1 hour

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Knife Skills

At Project CHEF we believe in setting people up for success in the kitchen and we want you to become confident, safe cooks. To help you do this, we want to teach you the skills for successful cooking. Learning to cut safely is one of the most important skills to learn. Once you learn to control a knife so that it doesn’t control you, a wonderful world of cooking awaits. This video will teach young cooks about basic knife skills.

italian pickled carrots

Italian Pickled Carrots

These pickled carrots are fresh and tasty, with the perfect bit of crunch. Serve them as a salad, or as part of a snack tray. In the spring, try to find tiny new carrots to pickle for a lovely presentation. If all you have are large carrots though, as we did here, slice them up in bite sized pieces. They will look delicious as well.

Yield: 6 – 8 servings
Preparation Time: 15 minutes

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rhubarb compote

Rhubarb Compote

It’s a true sign of spring when rhubarb pokes its head out of the ground. This BC vegetable grows all over, including in many school gardens, yet we’re surprised that many children don’t know what it is when we introduce it to them. Tart when fresh, to be sure, but when cooked with a little sweetness, oh what a difference!

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fish tacos

Fish Tacos

In Project CHEF, we love to serve our meals family-style. With this Fresh Fish Tacos recipe, everyone at your table will have the chance to assemble their very own taco. With plenty of options on the table, choose the ingredients you love. We highly recommend adding our Project CHEF Pico de Gallo when making these tacos at home.

Yield: 4 servings, 2 tacos each
Preparation time: About 30 minutes
Cooking time for fish: About 5 minutes a side (if about 2 to 3cm thick)

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fraser valley summer succotash

Fraser Valley Summer Succotash

It’s not summer yet but here is something to get you prepared. Increase your vegetable intake with this delicious Vegetable Succotash. Don’t limit yourself to the vegetables listed in the ingredients list. Use what you have in your fridge or maybe add a new vegetable you haven’t tried before. The more colours the better!

Yield: 4-5 servings
Preparation Time: about 35 minutes

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yam fries

Oven-roasted Yam Wedgie Fries

Roasting yams or sweet potatoes like fries is a yummy way of eating these healthy orange and yellow tuber vegetables. They are delicious on their own, but feel free to serve them up alongside a herby dip. Whatever you do, make enough to share, because the scent of these fries cooking will bring everyone to the kitchen!

Yield: 4 Servings
Preparation Time: About 15 Minutes
Cooking Time: 35 Times

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Quinoa Salad with Fresh Herbs & Veggies

This Quinoa Salad recipe is amongst the Project CHEF team’s favourite lunch recipes – it’s delicious, nutritious & fun to make! Quinoa is a super-grain that has been cultivated for over 5000 years. Why “super” grain? Quinoa is a complete protein, an ideal substitute for animal protein and is high in fibre. Quinoa is a tough wholegrain that can thrive even through a drought.

Yield: Serves 6 – 7
Preparation Time: About 30 minutes

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Growing Microgreens

Let’s get growing! You do not need a yard or a balcony for this garden project. These little bites pack a punch — more flavour and more nutrition than the average salad green. Adding home-grown microgreens will definitely make salad a new favourite. Food tastes so good when you grow it yourself.

Let’s get started with two varieties that are sweet tasting and nearly failsafe growing. Easy peasy!

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