Eggy Bread Egg Nests

With signs of Spring popping out around us, making bread nests with eggs tucked inside is a perfect family activity for the long weekend. We like to use colourful shelled eggs from Vancouver Farmers’ Markets but any eggs will do. Did you know that the colour of the shell tells you the type of hen that laid the egg? Hen eggs with different coloured shells have the same nutrition inside. This recipe originally came from teacher Laura Clancy who made the nests with her kindergarten class. We have cooked up these nests with other classes and the precious results were taken home as gifts for family members.

Yield: 6 egg bread nests
Preparation Time: About 4 hours in total (25 minutes for dough preparation, 2 one hour periods for dough to rise, 30 minutes to shape dough)
Cooking Time: About 20 minutes

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