veggie brown rice maki rolls

Veggie & Brown Rice Maki Rolls

Our Veggie & Brown Rice Maki Rolls recipe is a classroom-certified crowd favourite. Rolling sushi is a fun activity for kids! You can make this recipe your own by choosing ingredients that you like to roll up inside. This is a great opportunity to try new vegetables, increase your vegetable intake and include some more wholegrains in your diet.

Yield: 6 maki rolls
Preparation Time: About 1 hour 40 minutes, including cooking the rice

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miso soup

Miso Soup

Miso Soup is a staple in Japan – it is enjoyed for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and many people have it every day! The ingredients can differ by region as well as family traditions & preferences. 

Yield: 4 – 5 servings
Preparation Time: About 20 minutes
Cooking Time: About 15 minutes

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salmon yakitori

Salmon Yakitori

Delicious Salmon Yakitori Skewers! A popular street food in Japan, yakitori is traditionally skewered chicken grilled over special charcoal.  In this recipe, we are using BC’s finest sockeye salmon. When purchasing salmon, look for the Ocean Wise symbol next to the fish. This symbol ensures that the salmon was sustainably caught and the best choice for the health of our oceans. Sustainable seafood means that the seafood was caught or farmed in a way that ensures the long-term health of that species and the ocean it lives in. If you are not sure the seafood was sustainably caught, ask your fishmonger. Let your fishmonger know that sustainable seafood is important to you and our oceans.

Yield: 4 servings
Preparation Time: About 20 minutes
Cooking Time: 6 – 10 minutes

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