We have made this traditional recipe with Kindergarten to adult cooks and the response has always been a resounding two thumbs up. Make this recipe in the springtime when BC rhubarb is in season. Although it may be tempting to make this early in the season, try to wait for BC strawberries as they explode with flavour and colour taking this recipe off the chart with local goodness.
Yield: Serves 6 – 7
Preparation Time: About 20 minutes
Baking Time: About 45 minutes @ 350 F
You can easily grow rhubarb in the garden or purchase some at the market starting in May. Remember to compost the giant leaves as they are not edible.
- 1 Tbsp. butter (15ml), to grease the pan
- 3 cups rhubarb, about 6 stalks, (750 ml), sliced 2 cm thick
- 2 cups strawberries (500 ml), halved
- 2 Tbsp. (30 ml) honey
- zest from one orange
- zest from one lemon
- ½ cup (125 ml) sugar
- 1/3 cup (85 ml) all purpose flour
- ½ cup (125 ml) all purpose flour, or whole wheat pastry flour
- ½ cup (125 ml) brown sugar, packed
- ½ cup (125 ml) old fashioned (thick) rolled oats
- ½ tsp. (2.5 ml) baking powder
- 1 tsp. (5 ml) cinnamon
- ¼ tsp. (1.25 ml) salt
- 1/3 cup (85 ml) soft butter
- Measuring cups and spoons
- Pastry scraper (“Fred”), or dinner knife, to cut the butter
- Small sharp knife
- Micro-plane or grater
- Large spoon
- 8 inch square baking dish or pie plate
- 1 large-sized bowl
- 1 medium-sized bowl
- 1 small-sized bowl
- Fork
- Preheat oven to 175C (350F).
- Grease the baking dish with 1 Tbsp. butter.
- Cut rhubarb into 1 cm thick slices Add to a large bowl.
- Remove the tops of the strawberries, cut in half and add to the rhubarb bowl.
- Add the honey. Zest the orange and lemon with a microplane or a grater and add to the bowl. Toss together.
- Combine the sugar and the flour in a small bowl. Sprinkle over the rhubarb and the strawberries. Toss together.
- Spread fruit mixture evenly in baking dish.
- Measure ½ cup flour, brown sugar, rolled oats, baking powder, cinnamon and salt into a medium-sized bowl. Mix together with a fork or your hands.
- Add the butter to the bowl, breaking it into little pieces as you add it. Mix the butter into the dry mixture by rubbing it with your fingertips until the dry ingredients look like moist crumbs.
- Sprinkle the crumb mixture over the fruit.
- Place the fruit crumble into the oven for about 45 minutes, or until the topping is golden brown, the fruit is bubbly and the rhubarb is soft when poked with a small knife.
- Remove the fruit crumble from the oven and place on a cooling rack.
- Serve warm or cool. This is also very nice with a dollop of yogurt.
Tasty Tip
- Instead of rhubarb, try making the crumble with different BC fruit when in season such as apples, peaches, plums, nectarines or pears.
- Instead of strawberries, try other BC berries when in season such as raspberries, blackberries, blueberries or cranberries.
Add the honey. Zest the orange and lemon with a micro-plane or a grater and add to the bowl. Toss together.
Measure flour, brown sugar, rolled oats, baking powder, cinnamon and salt into a medium-sized bowl. Mix together with a fork or your hands.
Place the fruit crumble into the oven for about 45 minutes, or until the topping is golden brown, the fruit is bubbly and the rhubarb is soft when poked with a small knife.
Curriculum Connections
Even very young children can make many of our recipes as these Kindergarten cooks will show you while making this crumble.

From harvesting, to cutting and measuring, to working cooperatively on a task to completion, the learning is endless and connected to all areas of curriculum.

And it tastes delicious!

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